With the high price of real estate, in may seem impossible to get into the housing market. After all, it’s not just the price of the dwelling. It’s saving for a down payment, lawyer fees, home inspector fees, more than likely CMHC fees, etc. etc. But there are a few ways to help you get into the game….and well on…
Autumn is here. Congratulations if you’ve just sold your home, or bought a new one! It’s a lot of work preparing for that move. And with the cooler weather comes a busy holiday season. Lots of friends, family and food to be had….often in close quarters. With all of these festivities happening, coupled with the cold outside air and hot…
Darkness falling earlier every day. A distinctive chill in the air at night. Autumn is fast approaching, and what better time to list your home for sale than now!? If you’re ready to move, don’t hesitate and get that for sale sign on your house pronto. As daylight dwindles, and frigid temperatures creep in, prospective home buyers tend not to…
Are you preparing for a long distance move? Maybe across the province or perhaps even as far as from Toronto to Edmonton? Although it may feel like an entirely daunting task packing and preparing for a long distance move, it’s entirely doable! Just try out a few of these tips to help get you started packing. First and foremost- hire…
You’ve saved up a down payment. You’ve scoured the House For Sale ads. You’ve even been to some open houses. You’re ready to buy a house. But have you secured your finances? Are they strong enough to support a mortgage? And will you even be approved for a mortgage…..more than likely the biggest loan you’ll ever apply for? Making sure…
Relax….it’s looking like we can all breathe again. After a fast paced, whirlwind market the past while, things are finally starting to slow down a little. This is great news for those who have been waiting to buy or sell but were intimidated by the high price tags of homes due to competition, bidding wars and “bully” offers. Home sales…
If you’re a Canadian Citizen considering a move to the United States, it may seem a daunting task. But in reality it really isn’t that much different than moving within Canada. You just need to plan everything well in advance, and booking an experienced mover who can help you navigate all the steps can make things far less stressful. Of…
Ah, summer. Long sunny days, the smell of fragrant honeysuckle on the breeze and- what’s that?- the noise of traffic horns blaring outside your window? The noisy sounds of the city sure don’t belong in a relaxing summer’s day. Take advantage of all that this glorious season has to offer and consider purchasing a cottage. When looking for your summer…
Although some may cringe at the idea of having somebody live with them, others might find the idea appealing. You may find your financial situation doesn’t allow you to move on your own, or you may like the idea of the companionship and security living with somebody else can provide. Below are a few tips to help the co-habitation go…
Moving can be both an exciting and scary endeavour for adults. But imagine how it must feel for a child. It has the potential to be quite terrifying- unless the experience is approached carefully. Below are a few ideas to help make the move less stressful. Leaving the place they call home is a foreign and unsettling event for a…