It is a well known fact that it is a requirement to have homeowners insurance when you own your home. What isn’t widely understood is how this insurance works for you. Below is a rough outline detailing the importance of homeowners insurance and some of its benefits, as well as renters insurance and movers insurance. Basically, there are two parts…
When moving out from the apartment you’ve been renting, it’s easy to assume that the deposit you placed in your landlord’s hands way back when will be returned to you. But this is not always the case. The following article contains a few tips to help ensure you get your deposit back. Kitchens are a busy place, and as such,…
In this fast paced real estate market, you may be tempted to forego including the condition of a home inspection on the house you’re making an offer on. Although home inspections aren’t mandatory, it could mean the difference between moving into a safe, comfortable home, and ending up in a money pit. A professional home inspection is much more than…
Moving to a new home can be an exciting fresh start – particularly when it comes to gardening. But what if it’s breaking your heart to leave that peony your grandmother gave you in your old garden? Can you bring it with you? Here are a few things to consider before getting out the shovel. It is important to know…
Home staging is a serious business! The first impression people have of a house makes more of an impression than you may realize, and that is why professional home stagers are able to charge so much for what may seem like a superficial fix. The truth is, people pay more for a house that looks good. Plain and simple. …
Moving to a new home can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. The task of actually packing and transporting all your belongings can be quite stressful – especially if you decide to forego a moving company. There are several points to consider before coming to the decision of hiring yourself a u-haul and doing a DIY move. The following article…