How to Effectively Work With Toronto Movers

Although hiring residential movers to do most of the work is always a great idea that we here at Augusta Movers recommend, it is important you are prepared on your part as well. This way, it makes the process go by much easier, smoother and faster for every person involved. If you are curious about how to go through the preparation process of a successful move, our team would like to help with a brief step-by-step guide below. 

Start The List

One of the best ways to stay on track at any point during a move is by writing things down and creating lists. One of the most important lists that you will write for prepping your move is a list with all of the things you are planning to pack and move. This includes any type of item, such as TV’s, sofas, beds, mattresses, etc. This can take quite some time, but it will ensure that you have everything covered and that you can effectively communicate with your movers. After all, there’s nothing quite as stressful as realizing you forgot multiple items in the home you just sold.

Boxes, Boxes and More Boxes

When it comes to all of the medium-small sized items in your home, chances are they will be put into a box of some sort. Our team is betting on the fact that you (as well as many others) likely have a lot of items this size in your space. This will mean that you will need lots and lots of boxes— all in different shapes and sizes to accommodate your belongings. While you can buy boxes online in bulk, if you want to save money, try visiting local businesses/depots and asking for their boxes that usually go to the recycling. More often than not, they will give you them for free.

Prioritize Certain Items

When you are setting up for a move, you will likely come across a few objects that you just don’t need or want anymore. This is completely normal, and it is often a good idea to either donate them or throw them away. Holding onto items that you do not use/need anymore makes a move that much harder, seeing as there are more things to move. The lesser the better; not just for the movers and you but for the cleanliness of your new home as well. Many people consider moving into a new place as a fresh new start, and you start to diminish that vision when you bring a bunch of old items into a newer space. 

In order to prioritize certain items, simply create a list of things you want to (and need to) keep. These are the things that you use frequently or on a daily basis, or the things that are integral to the design of your new home. Everything else that lacks a purpose/value can go!

Some Final Things to Remember

Asking yourself questions is another great way to make sure that you have everything sorted out correctly. Some important questions to ask include:

  • Do I have the budget for movers?
  • How will you be paying for this move (what payment method)?
  • Are the movers licensed and insured?
  • Will you be doing the packing, or do you want the movers to do that as well?
  • If you are doing the packing, what materials will you need?

These questions are just a few examples of the many types of questions you can ask yourself before properly hiring movers.

Let Our Movers Help

If you have been getting ready to plan a move and are finally at the step where you are ready to look for movers, why not contact our team here at Augusta Movers? With our company, you are getting some of the best reliability, hard work and professionalism in the GTA. Our movers have all the experience necessary to implement not just a smooth move, but a safe one as well. To learn more about our residential movers in Toronto, be sure to phone our team at (647) 558-0707 today!